Advantages and Disadvantages of Marble Dining Table

by Ronald Johnson

When choosing a dining table, some people love marble tabletops. The elegance and texture of marble dining table can greatly improve the level of the restaurant. So is the marble dining table good or not? First of all, we need to understand the advantages and drawbacks of marble dining tables.

(1) Fashionable and Beautiful

Marble material is a common design element in modern style. This bright and smooth material layout brings a very stylish and high-end visual effect in the home. It can enhance the spatial grade and add a sense of gorgeousness. Applying it to the table-top can make the dining atmosphere more dignified and elegant.

(2) Hard enough to wear

Dining tables with ordinary wooden countertops are easy to be scratched or scratched by some sharp tableware. Marble is a hard and wear-resistant material. It is difficult to make scratches on marble with ordinary tableware in regular use.

(3) Marble dining table has strong acid and alkali corrosion resistance. It doesn't rust like metal. Normal maintenance and cleaning are also quite simple and convenient.

(4) The surface of the marble dining table is not easily stained with dust. The physical properties are relatively stable and can be used for a long time.

(5) Waterproof and easy to take care of.

Wooden tables are more afraid of water. And it is more troublesome to take care of. So many people will put a layer of transparent rubber pad on the dining table after buying a wooden table-top. The surface of the table with marble countertops is flat and not afraid of water. Just wipe it with a damp cloth. Of course, you can wipe it dry if it gets wet. Don't worry about occasionally dropping a few drops of water on the countertop, just let it dry naturally.

Disadvantages of Marble Table Tables

(1) The marble surface is relatively smooth. Therefore, if the table-top of the marble dining table is stained with oil, it is difficult to clean it immediately. Marble is a material that is easily penetrated by impurities. If the vegetable soup or other colored oil stains on the countertop for too long, it will easily penetrate into the marble stone. The original clean and elegant dining table will become an eyesore after being penetrated by impurities. If things go on like this, the desktop can only be repainted.

(2) Marble dining table is heavier. It is be more difficult to move.

(3) Tables with marble countertops are too brittle and easy to break. Many people may feel that it conflicts with the hardness and wear resistance introduced earlier. In fact, this is not a contradiction. Tables with marble countertops are resistant to friction, but not impact resistant.

The marble table-top is definitely not bad. But be careful to avoid the disadvantages of marble dining tables. Whether to buy a marble dining table or not still needs to be seen from the interior style. Buying it back does not match the interior style, and it is not suitable even if it is easy to use.

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